fredag 27. februar 2009

torsdag 12. februar 2009


Hei alle i bloggeland

Jeg har ikke blogget på en stund, jeg har ikke helt giddet, først og fremst, + at jeg har vært preoccupied med skole til dels

+ at som jeg skrev i sist innlegg hadde jeg tenkt å vente til jeg var klar med de store utviklingene i conrads verden, som er at jeg lærer ham å gå på do:
Men det tar tid.

så i dag skal jeg blogge om noe tøft jeg fant på wikipedia:

Soapy Smith
var en banditt/svindler som levde i USA på slutten av 1800-tallet. Høydepunkter fra artikkelen:

...In 1879 Smith moved to Denver and began to build the first of his empires. Con men normally moved around, to keep out of jail, but as Smith's power and gang grew, so did his influence at City Hall, allowing him to remain. Soapy's political clout was so powerful that some of the police officers patrolling the streets would not arrest him or members of his gang. If they did, a quick release from jail was easily arranged. Colorado's new governor David H. Waite, elected on a Populist Party reform platform, fired three Denver officials he felt were the main instigators of corruption in City Hall, calling out the state militia to assist. The troops brought with them two cannons and two Gatling guns. Soapy, called to assist the corrupt officeholders and police, was commissioned as a deputy sheriff and with some of his men climbed to the top of City Hall's central tower with rifles and dynamite to fend off any attackers. Cooler heads prevailed, however, and the battle over corruption would be fought in the courts, not on the streets. Soapy Smith would be a key witness on the stand. Waite began cleaning up Denver and ordered the closure of all gambling dens, saloons and houses of ill repute. Soapy exploited the situation, using the recently acquired deputy sheriff's commissions to stage fake arrests in his own gambling houses, apprehending patrons who had lost large sums in rigged poker games. Eventually, Soapy and his brother Bascomb Smith became too well known, and even the most corrupt city officials could no longer protect them. Their influence and Denver-based empire began to crumble. When they were charged with attempted murder in the beating of a saloon manager, Bascomb was jailed, but Soapy managed to escape, becoming a wanted man in Colorado. (Jeg bare gjetter, men jeg går ut ifra at han rømte ved å ta en liten bit ost og bestikke en mus til å stjele nøklene fra en sovende fengselsvakt, eller noe lignende.) When the Klondike Gold Rush began in 1897, Soapy moved his operations to Skagway, Alaska... (Dette er kanskje min favoritt:) ...Soapy opened a fake telegraph office in which the wires went only as far as the wall. Not only did the telegraph office obtain fees for "sending" messages, but cash-laden victims soon found themselves losing even more money in poker games with new found "friends."

During the Spanish-American War in 1898,
Smith formed his own volunteer army with the approval of the U.S. War Department.
Called the "Skaguay Military Company," it had Soapy as its captain. Smith wrote to President William McKinley and gained official recognition for his company, which he used to strengthen his grip on the town. On 4 July 1898, Soapy was the hero of the day. As grand marshal of the city parade, he led his army on a gray horse. On the grandstand, he sat beside the territorial governor and other officials.

(Igjen, jeg bare gjetter, men jeg antar at han også fikk den gylne bynøkkelen, og at borgermesteren tilbød ham sin datters hånd.)

As dishonest as Smith was, he was also generous to charities, donating to numerous organizations and non-denominational churches that helped the poor.

Soapy's last words were "My God, don't shoot!".

Soapy Smith: en kul kis

ellers så er ting bra her, conrad trives og sånn.
